Originally Posted by askmrjesus
It most likely wasn't, but how is the Secrete Service going to know that, if they don't ask?
They wouldn't.
I see nothing wrong with them doing an investigation.
Paul will be along shortly to chastise those who don't understand the word "investigate".....
Originally Posted by pauldun170
Oh HAI!!!
I'm sorry I missed the part where the guy was arrested or charged with anything or has had any thing resembling a punishment for roasting a doll.
Lets be clear,
If you burn an effigy of your neigbor and the police find out they will investigate.
If you threaten to burn, kill or maim anyone and someone reports your ass the police will investigate.
If you burn an effigy of your local sheriff, Mayor, governor, county clerk, or senator.
If you are dumb enough to burn an effigy of the president, not only do you get the police involved, you get the secret service involved. What will they do?
Do you people need an explanation of what "investigate" means?
...damn, that was fast.