Originally Posted by TIGGER
I don't understand this argument anymore... are you and Azoom actually saying in this and previous posts that people DON'T have a right to some semblance of peace in their homes? That if I'm your neighbor and I decide to cut down some trees at 4am,it would be cool with you? Don't you have children? What if I have naked people fornicating on my yard at all times day or night,wouldn't that bother you? You mentioned that you have "loud sex" in your yard. Is it REALLY your right to subject MY children to that? I know you're a liberal but why do your individual rights outweigh the neighborhood's collective rights? How can your desire to own an obnoxious dog be more important than everyone else's desire for peace? I don't get it...
why do the neighborhood's collective rights outweigh my individual rights? because there's more of them?
now i'm just arguing for argument's sake.