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Old 12-07-2012, 02:16 PM   #3
the chi
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Thanks for the input. I'm ready to move up to something a lil different, and since the hubby recently picked up a Kawi Concourse, he is dying to do a good amount of touring, currently with his eyes set on the Keys for his first big trip and definitely not a trip I want to do on Mikey's RR that I'm still bike sitting (the tendonitis in the hands, the broken hip and ankle also protest vigorously ).

To me the price is decent, about what I'd expect for something like that.

They are indeed already out, I got to check out both models at a dealer near where we'll be moving this spring.

I'm leery of the auto, simply because I LIKE being in control of my own ride, and ABS makes me slightly nervous, again, because I like knowing EXACTLY what input is going on when I am in charge of it.

It does have luggage options, and the storage in what is normally a gas tank is AWESOME.

I've read alot of the reviews and reports on it, and as the salesguy told me, compared to what I'm used to riding, it will be severely underpowered, since it isnt a supersport, however it has more than enough get up and go for any type of riding.

Still no idea if it's something I want to pull the trigger on, but I wanted to check with some folks I actually know vs a salesman and get y'alls thoughts, so thank you!!
Originally Posted by Cutty72 View Post
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