Thread: Oh, Ladies?
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Old 08-12-2010, 12:57 PM   #10
Gixxer Girl
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Kyle, TX
Moto: 05 GSXR 750 & 06 YZ250F
Posts: 1,424

My first bike was a Gixxer 750, I learned to ride on a dirt bike in a field and then borrowed a friends 250 for about a month to ride on the street. My boyfriend at the time actually bought it first and when he left for the Navy it became mine a few years later.

I was used to bikes so I didn't really have too many issues handling it. I did drop it once early on and couldn't get it up by myself. After a nice passerby helped and then quickly commented that if I couldn't handle it, maybe I shouldn't be riding it, I also learned how to pick it up. That valuable lesson as come in handy several times over the years. I think the confidence in being able to pick it up is the best lesson you can give a female rider. Because if you KNOW you can pick it up and go then there's really nothing that can happen you can't handle.

People will always stare, you're a girl on a bike it's inevitable.....get over it and who cares....
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